2023.05.26 Tea picking experience event at Ohito Farm Tags:Food and AgricultureChubu 2023.04.24 Agriculture, Environment and Health Research Institute develops rice suitable for the Nature Farming Method Tags:Food and AgricultureChubu 2023.03.29 2023 Nature Farming College Graduation Ceremony Tags:Food and AgricultureChubu 2023.03.17 Nature Farming board meeting with officials from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Tags:Food and AgricultureChubu 2023.02.13 186,000 works exhibited at the 33rd MOA Museum of Art National Exhibition of Children’s Artworks Tags:Art and LifeChubu 2022.12.06 Niigata Healthy Community Enrichment Symposium Tags:Medical and HealthChubu 2022.10.25 The 22nd Mokichi Okada Grand Prize of Bingata was awarded to Mr. Shiroma – MOA Museum of Art Tags:Art and LifeChubu 2022.10.24 The Organic Flower Association visits Ohito Zuisenkyô (Land of Auspicious Spring) Tags:Food and AgricultureChubu 2022.09.08 Organic farming symposium held at Ohito Research Farm (afternoon session) Tags:Food and AgricultureChubu 2022.09.08 Organic farming symposium held at Ohito Research Farm (morning session) Tags:Food and AgricultureChubu 2 / 4«1234»