2024.08.09 “Pokemon x Crafts Exhibition” now underway at MOA Museum of Art Tags:Art and LifeChubu 2024.08.02 The 2nd Shinsenkyô Garden Seminar held at the Shinsenkyô, a National Place of Scenic Beauty Tags:Art and LifeKanto 2024.08.02 Cooperation Agreement with the Ministry of Education of the Kingdom of Thailand renewed Tags:Art and LifeChubu 2024.06.24 The first garden seminar was held at the Shinsenkyô [Land of Eternal Happiness], a national Place of Scenic Beauty Tags:Art and LifeKanto 2024.05.30 Relief activities in areas affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake Tags:Medical and HealthArt and LifeFood and AgricultureHokuriku 2024.02.21 190,000 pieces of artwork collected for the MOA Museum of Art’s National Children’s Art Exhibition Tags:Art and LifeChubu 2023.11.16 A large number of tourists visit Shinsenkyo (Land of Eternal Happiness), the national place of scenic beauty for autumn leaves Tags:Art and LifeKanto 2023.07.21 About 3,100 people attended the MOA Sangetsu Kohrinka Flower Exhibition Tags:Art and LifeTohoku 2023.02.13 186,000 works exhibited at the 33rd MOA Museum of Art National Exhibition of Children’s Artworks Tags:Art and LifeChubu 2022.10.25 The 22nd Mokichi Okada Grand Prize of Bingata was awarded to Mr. Shiroma – MOA Museum of Art Tags:Art and LifeChubu 1 / 3123»