2024.10.30 Cooperation agreement signed with the Ministry of Public Health of the Kingdom of Thailand Tags:Medical and HealthOverseas 2024.07.23 “Life Study Group” held at the Shinsenkyô, a National Place of Scenic Beauty Tags:Medical and HealthKanto 2024.07.10 Symposium on Medicine as Care Tags:Medical and HealthKyushu 2024.05.30 Relief activities in areas affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake Tags:Medical and HealthArt and LifeFood and AgricultureHokuriku 2024.05.15 Future Medical Care and Community Enrichment Symposium in Nara Tags:Medical and HealthKansai 2024.03.08 MOA Health Science Center Research Report No. 27 published Tags:Medical and HealthKanto 2024.01.24 MOA members present research at the 27th Annual Meeting of The Society for Integrative Medicine Japan Academic Conference Tags:Medical and HealthChubu 2023.11.11 Symposium “What is a future worth living for?” held Tags:Medical and HealthChubu 2023.09.22 Community enrichment forum in Numazu, Shizuoka Prefecture Tags:Medical and HealthChubu 2023.06.06 Tokyo Ryôin MOA Wellness Center was certified as a “social model” facility by the Japanese Society for Integrative Medicine Tags:Medical and HealthKanto 1 / 3123»