The “Purification Process” occurs to man to purge out toxins (impure materials) from the body like when one catches a cold, by coughing (mucus), runny nose and sweating. It is due to actions of the natural healing ability one carries innately.
As we began to hear the term “anti-aging,” many people are doing things to keep up with youths like exercising, resting, and creative diet. By accelerating the purification process, anti-aging may come about due to the active elimination of toxins. One method is the Purifying Therapy of the Okada Health and Wellness Program.
Purifying Therapy is a method of promoting healthy mind and body. It is easy to practice anywhere. Not only can it be practiced within a family but you can also utilize it for self-care.
With continuous administration of Purifying Therapy, many have shared that their fatigue was eased; their body is in better condition, and they obtained peace of mind.
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