Improving Daily Food Consumption

Improving Daily Food ConsumptionDue to the pandemic, we are experiencing the relationship between our daily diet and our mental and physical wellbeing.

A research 1 indicated that 13.6% of the people surveyed began to think about balanced nutrition of their daily food consumption and 14.3% became more aware of their immune system. These findings indicate how people desire their health and the health of their families.

Another research 2 indicated that 22.6% began buying organic food for themselves and their families for the prevention of illness. Are you interested in having organic food items in your diet to enhance your health?
The MOA Health Science Foundation conducted a research 3 on the changes in intestinal bacterial flora. They gathered 18 men and 18 women, who are not familiar with or do not consume organic food items, and divided them into three groups. Group A consumed carrot juice once a day for fourteen days, using carrots produced by the Nature Farming Method using only green manure. Group B was served carrots produced by the Organic Farming Method using green and cow manure. Group C was served carrots produced by the Conventional Farming Method using green and cow manure and chemical fertilizers.

By testing the Enterobacteriacae and DNA of the participants’ stool, the findings were: Group A (who consumed Nature Farming produced carrots); and Group B (who consumed Organic Farming produced carrots); compared to Group C (who consumed Conventional Farming produced carrots), showed more changes to their intestinal bacterial flora. The MOA Life Science Foundation will continue to conduct additional research to further clarify the meaning of the effects on health and changes in the flora.

Research 1 in 2020 on “Investigation on Consumers’ Eating Habits in the Midst of the Spread of the COVID-19 Virus” by Dentsu Shokuseikatsu Labo
Research 2 in 2019 on “Investigation on the Intention behind the Consumption Conditions of Organic Food Products, etc.” by the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Research 3 in 2018 on “Changes in Intestinal Bacterial Flora by Consuming Carrots Produced by Natural, Organic or Conventional Methods” for the 10th annual Okada Health and Wellness Program Forum by Kotaro Kato, a researcher of the MOA Health Science Foundation