10/30/2024 Cooperation agreement signed with the Ministry of Public Health of the Kingdom of Thailand Tags:Medical and HealthOverseas 09/17/2024 Tasty Community Enrichment Symposium in Chiba Tags:Food and AgricultureKanto 08/09/2024 “Pokemon x Crafts Exhibition” now underway at MOA Museum of Art Tags:Art and LifeChubu 08/02/2024 The 2nd Shinsenkyô Garden Seminar held at the Shinsenkyô, a National Place of Scenic Beauty Tags:Art and LifeKanto 08/02/2024 Cooperation Agreement with the Ministry of Education of the Kingdom of Thailand renewed Tags:Art and LifeChubu 07/30/2024 The Zuisenkyô Marchè Market is held at Ohito Zuisenkyô Tags:Food and AgricultureChubu 07/23/2024 “Life Study Group” held at the Shinsenkyô, a National Place of Scenic Beauty Tags:Medical and HealthKanto 07/10/2024 Symposium on Medicine as Care Tags:Medical and HealthKyushu 06/24/2024 The first garden seminar was held at the Shinsenkyô [Land of Eternal Happiness], a national Place of Scenic Beauty Tags:Art and LifeKanto 05/30/2024 Relief activities in areas affected by the Noto Peninsula Earthquake Tags:Medical and HealthArt and LifeFood and AgricultureHokuriku