Have you ever volunteered?

We, who live in Japan, face earthquakes, floods, landslides and various natural disasters year after year. At the disaster sites, the Defense Force and Firemen are vital; however, the support of the volunteers is also important to the restoration.

The volunteers are people who, on their own, will contribute to the betterment of individuals and society. In a research 1 there are seven million seventy thousand people who are volunteering for various activities.

MOA has various volunteer activities like Ikekomi [arranging ikebana flowers at public sites], cooking classes, Okada Health and Wellness Program at the MOA Wellness Center, MOA Museum of Art, national [and local] Children’s Art Exhibition, etc. Many volunteers are not only offering ease and joy to many people through their volunteer services but are also realizing how they gain joy from the joy of others.

As we build a new lifestyle, let us work with legislators and people of the community and offer various activities creatively. Do you want to join us?

Research 1 in 2017 on “Grasping the Number of People and Groups Offering Volunteer Services at Prefectural, City, Town and Village Welfare Volunteer Centers” by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare