Unique images and works raised interest in art


Atami City, Shizuoka Prefecture
“Ryo Inoue presents, the Art of Flame in Atami!” at the MOA Museum of Art

 2020年7月10日から9月27日まで、で「井上涼展 炎のアツアツびじゅチュ館」が開催され、子どもたちとその保護者、若者らが多数訪れてにぎわいを見せました。NHK Eテレの番組「びじゅチューン!」で、美術品をユニークな歌とアニメで紹介するアーティスト・井上涼さんが手掛けた多彩なアートを展示するもので、昨年に続いて開催されました。
From July 10 to September 27, 2020, the “Ryo Inoue presents Byobu and the Art of Flame in Atami!” was held at the MOA Museum of Art. Many parents and young people visited and created a lively atmosphere.Ryo Inoue showcased a variety of art on the NHK E-Television Program “Bijutune!” Inoue is an artist who introduces works of art with unique songs and animations. His artworks were once again exhibited like his Exhibition in 2019.
During the Exhibition, under the theme of “things made using flames” such as ceramics and glass crafts, Inoue attempted to make artworks of colored porcelain under the guidance of Osamu Suzuki, an Important Intangible Cultural Property holder (Shino ware) and Imaizumi Imauemon the 14th (overglazed porcelain), both National Living Treasures. In addition, Inoue used his work in his daily life for eating and arranging flowers, which was introduced in the photo panel.

Inoue’s unique comprehension of the MOA Museum of Art collections were shared, including a room with the motif of the video work “Tsubo No Tsubo Masseur” (Tsubo literally can mean vase or key spot for massage) based on Inoue’s view of the national treasure “Fujitsubo (Tea-leaf Jar with a design of wisteria)” by Nonomura Ninsei. In the room, Inoue’s original animation was displayed, and his new video work “Ninja and Fire Present Strategy” was also released.
An opening event was held at the Noh Theater on the first day. In consideration of the prevention of new coronavirus infection, 200 people were selected by lottery to view the exhibit with the seating arranged for social distancing. Inoue and his TV show producer, Kyoko Kuramori, who is in charge of the NHK art program, introduced the highlights of the exhibition and the collaboration dishes and sweets served at the MOA Museum of Art Café during the Exhibition were shared and they answered questions at the venue. Inoue sang “Tsubo no Tsubo Masseur,” and the venue was filled with the clapping and cheers of the visitors.
Organizer / MOA Museum of Art, Sponsor / Atami City, Atami City Board of Education, NHK Shizuoka Broadcasting Station, Planning Cooperation / NHK Educational