11th Effects of Continued Administration of Okada Purifying Therapy for Sickle Cell Anemia

Kiyoshi Suzuki, MD, PhD
President, MOA Health Science Foundation

Last time, I shared about the symptoms of menopausal syndrome, which most women suffer from, will improve with continued administration of Okada Purifying Therapy. From the test results, it seems that the administration of Purifying Therapy stabilized the autonomic nervous system and calmed the recipients down mentally, which helped to improve the symptoms.


This time, I will talk about the effect on sickle cell (SS) anemia, which is known as an intractable disease worldwide.

1. What is SS anemia?

It is a severe hereditary anemia that occurs in people of African descent. Stress and other factors induce anemia and attacks of pain, which damage organs throughout the body. Technically, it is an autosomal incomplete dominant inheritance, in which a gene mutation changes the structure of hemoglobin in red blood cells, resulting in sickle-shaped red blood cells (Fig. 1).


Children (AS) who inherit the abnormal gene (S) from one parent have less than half of the sickle-shaped red blood cells and have mild symptoms. Children who inherit the abnormal gene (S) from both parents have a majority of the sickle-shaped red blood cells and have severe symptoms.


This disease is closely related to malaria infection. Red blood cells infected with malaria parasites are sickle-shaped and are immediately destroyed in the spleen, so people with sickle cell anemia are less susceptible to malaria. People with AS have a particularly high chance of survival in communities where malaria is common.


That said, people with sickle cell anemia are slightly anemic and prone to complications, and people with SS are even more severe and often die before age 20. There is no fundamental treatment, and the main treatment is prevention of anemia attack and treatment for complications.


When Dr. Mikobi Minga Tite and others from the National Center for Mixed Medicine SS Anemia in the Democratic Republic of the Congo contacted me to study the effects of Purifying Therapy on patients with SS anemia, I was not expecting good results. However, according to the local staff, some people had already received administration of Purifying Therapy and the results were good. Therefore, we decided to provide support, including research expenses.


2.Method of research

For one year, from 2006 to 2007, 20 outpatients at the National SS Anemia Center, where Dr. Mikobi works, agreed to cooperate with the study. Purifying Therapy was performed for two hours every day (administration of Purifying Therapy group) from Monday to Friday for a one-year period. As a control group, we selected 20 age- and sex-matched patients from the same hospital (non-administration of Purifying Therapy group). These 40 patients were seen regularly until 2010.

3.Research results

Please see the “box plot” showing changes in hemoglobin levels in each group (Fig. 2). The horizontal lines above and below indicate the minimum and maximum values, and the middle box contains 50% of the data. The horizontal line inside the box is the median. In general, hemoglobin levels below 9.0 require treatment.


At the start of the study, both groups were severely anemic with a median of 6.3. The non-administration of Purifying Therapy group (yellow) did not change much after that, at 6.1 and 7.1, but the administration of Purifying Therapy group (green) rose to 8.4 and 10.1; and it improved dramatically to at least 8.9 after one year. In the administration of Purifying Therapy group, not only the anemia but also other organ functions improved, and the anemia and pain attacks decreased. In 2010, there were three deaths in the administration of Purifying Therapy group and the others were stable; but in the non-administration of Purifying Therapy group, seven died and seven were repeatedly hospitalized.


The results were better than expected, so in 2009, 40 patients continued with the administration of Purifying Therapy for seven months.


For more information, please read Altern Ther Health Med. (2014; 20(1):20-26), an international journal on integrative medicine. In addition, the contents, including the results of 2009, were reported in Japanese in the Journal of The Society for Integrative Medicine Japan (2014; 7:18-27), and the MOA Health Science Center Research Report (2014; 18:79)-88) reprinted the article.


With such an effect on a serious illness like SS anemia, you might think that iron-deficiency anemia would soon get better. In reality, however, few people with severe iron deficiency anemia have improved with Purifying Therapy and diet alone. I don’t know why either. However, it is often surprising that people who continue to receive administration of Purifying Therapy improve dramatically when they take iron supplements. In general, I recommend that you continue your Purifying Therapy while maintaining a healthy diet and receiving any necessary treatment.


Next time, I will talk about the effects of administration of Purifying Therapy for fibromyalgia, which cause widespread pain throughout the body.

Kiyoshi Suzuki
Graduated from Chiba University School of Medicine in 1981. medical doctor. After working as Deputy Director of Pediatrics at Sakakibara Memorial Hospital, Seijo Clinic, (Medicine) Tamagawakai MOA Takanawa Clinic and Tokyo Medical Clinic Director, president of MOA Health Science Center and Honorary Director of Tokyo Medical Wellness Center. Director of The Society for Integrative Medicine Japan and Chairman of the International Committee. In 1994, he received the Young Investigator’s Award from the Japanese Society of Pediatric Cardiology.