Professor Emeritus Etsuko Fukushiyama, Kagoshima Women’s Junior College

Eat fermented foods and fiber-rich foods

──It’s important to eat miso soup that uses extra dashi stock, a lot of ingredients, and reduces salt intake.

Natto is also attracting attention. Bacillus natto helps to increase the number of lactic acid bacteria and suppresses the growth of bad bacteria in the intestines. An enzyme called nattokinase contains a component that makes blood smoother and prevents blood clots. 
It contains an abundant amount of Vitamin K, which works as an adhesive between protein and calcium and is also effective in preventing osteoporosis. However, it should be noted that people taking the anticoagulant drug “warfarin” will weaken the effect.
The bran used for nukazuke is rich in vitamins and minerals. When it is fermented, the yeast and lactic acid bacteria propagate and transfer to the pickled vegetables and make them more nutritious than raw vegetables. When making a nukadoko to make nukazuke, roast half the amount of bran in an earthenware pan. The flavor will be even better.
Dietary fiber, which has the effect of promoting excretion, is also important for improving the intestinal environment. I recommend using a lot of ingredients for miso soup. Not only leafy vegetables but also root vegetables, especially seaweed, taro, sweet potato and other types of potatoes, and green and yellow vegetables like pumpkins, etc. are all good. They contain a lot of potassium and dietary fiber that promote the excretion of salt from the body.

──Cooking that makes use of fermented foods prepares the intestinal environment, doesn’t it?

Not limited to breakfast, Japanese food is basically a staple food [rice and pickles] and ichijiru-sansai [one soup and three dishes]. Young people tend to skip the staple food. However, the rice is an energy source, so it’s better not to miss it. If it is a staple food and one soup and three dishes, you can get the ideal nutrients without calculating the nutritional value.
Speaking of nutrients, the balance between inorganic calcium and phosphorus is also important. Both are components that make bones and teeth, but excessive intake of phosphorus blocks the absorption of calcium. Therefore, foods with calcium to phosphorus ratio of 1: 1 to 3 are desirable.
Beans with a good ratio of calcium and phosphorus are not only ideal for the normal development of bones and teeth, but also contain more dietary fiber than root vegetables, which activates the intestinal peristalsis and intestines. It is said to be a food for good bacteria.