Shin-Ichi Nitta, Honorary President of the Japanese Association for Alternative, Complementary and Traditional Medicine

For the purpose of living to be useful to others

── It is important for a group of people who accept each other to help each other.
I think that accepting is an indispensable point for achieving healthy longevity. People, who are accepted and feel that their existence is a plus for the world, live long. I had a high school class reunion when I was 80, and the mortality rate was 20%. The mortality rate of my classmates of the medical school was 12%. Many doctors are still working in the medical field even when they are old. They are aware that they are useful for people, and I think that the recognition of others affects their lifespan.
Humans have a 50% decline in body function in their mid-70s. Only 20% of the time is spent on brain cells and their networks, with less than 50% of memory function. Therefore, I don’t think it is realistic to seek 20s level of health in the people in their mid-70s. By understanding and accepting aging, if the medical expenses used for such things are reduced, it may lead to a decrease in medical expenses for the entire country.
Increasing the sense of usefulness and self-affirmation by doing something useful for others leads to the maintenance and promotion of health, which in turn contributes to the reduction of national medical expenses, which is also indispensable for futuristic medical care.
Futuristic medical care is an interactive medical care that looks at each patient individually, and is a team medical care that includes people involved in treatment other than Western medicine. It is a care-type medical care that is linked with preventive medicine, and the Mutual-Help group. It can also be said that it is a medical care that enhances and develops a system that is useful for others through volunteers, etc. I hope that such medical care will be further enhanced and developed.

── We are seeing a new era of medical care. Thank you for all the valuable insights.

Shin-Ichi Nitta
Born in Miyagi prefecture. Graduated from Tohoku University School of Medicine in 1966. Researcher at Baylor Medical University in 1974, Professor at Tohoku University Institute of Aging Medicine in 1996 (joint appointment with Tokyo Institute of Technology), Vice President of Tohoku University in 1998. Japan Society for Artificial Organs President, International Society for Artificial Organs President, Japan BME Society Vice President, Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare Pharmaceutical Affairs Council Temporary Committee / Expert Member, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry New Energy Organization Program Manager, Miyagi Prefectural Preventive Medicine Association President, Tohoku University Research and Education Foundation. Served as managing director. Specializes in surgery, artificial organs, and integrative medicine. Since 2012, he has served as the President of Japanese Association for Alternative, Complementary and Traditional Medicine and the Honorary President in 2018.

This article was published in the magazine “Paradise” No. 79 (Spring 2020).